Word of the Week…
Ever thought of getting out of the rat-race and taking the plunge into a simpler life like we have? Can't say I blame you and it's easy, honestly you just have to make the choice and then plan!
However if you are coming to Bulgaria there are another few adjectives that you may want to consider, like 'patient', 'inventive', 'willing' and 'adaptable'.
It is the last word that comes into play frequently if you are thinking of taking early retirement, I mean Bulgaria is cheap but it is not free, so you have to be able to support yourself and your animals. You don't have animals? You will have when you live here, even if you don't want them, they just move in…(Picture - Exhibit A).
You will be living a self sufficient lifestyle so you don't need to buy food…really?! Let me say we all have this intention, if not self sufficiency then at least a little more self reliance, but it...