Have chickens they said, chickens are easy they said, fresh eggs they said…
They, whoever ‘they’ are may be need to tweak their enthusiasm somewhat so that I can manage my own expectations sensibly!
Yes I love my chooks, I have named them all for goodness sake…some of them twice, but that’s another story…and I have to admit that on the whole they are pretty damn simple most of the time, but they do have their moments too!

And EGGS…well I’m still buying them from the local farm shop so you work it out. Some of this lack of egg production I must admit comes from the fact that Charlotte and Delia have now officially been renamed Charlie and

Dilburt after they were caught having a right old ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’ one morning…I guess I’ll wait a while for some double yolkers from them.
I also have some doubts about Amelia and Babs who if not cocks, they are awfully butch ladies with lesbian tendencies. It is only a matter of time before they become Alan and Brian (after my friend at The Real Housewife of Snohomish County).
And then of course comes the time when they get a bit fatter and I have to get out my traffic cone and broom handle…I’m hoping no more detail than that is required by my switched on audience. I was hoping for Easter roasts, but it looks like Christmas may claim one as I’m not sure they’ll all make it through winter without calling each other outside for a fight.

The good news is Alice, Jojo and Penny are still my girls, but its about time they started earning their keep. They are a

talking point though as they free range around the walnut grove and as the lady up the road picks her walnuts she chats to them and they ‘chuckle’ back.
A local puppy scattered them far and wide the other day and the locals all delivered them back, one by one. Since starting this blog Jojo has now been claimed by said puppy so I was then down to six, then said ‘walnut’ lady asked if I would swap a cockerel for a hen of hers…I readily agreed and the newly named Alan went to a new home up the road and Rachel joined the flock…
Alan has stayed happily in his new home, whilst Rachel too has returned to her old home…several times! I have now been offered four smaller hens in springtime in repayment for Alan…great more chickens to name…twice 🙂
One day we found a random chicken in our front garden, we caught it and passed it to some random passing children with the Bulgarian phrase, “this is not my chicken” – try finding that in a phrase book…I think you’ll be looking a while…amazing what you learn keeping chickens!
So get chickens they said, fresh eggs they said, they’re easy they said – I say get chickens, they are hilarious, fun, with or without eggs and yes they may be easy but never uneventful!
Chickens the gateway drug to bigger animals ….
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