
Well here we go… part two of meet the team, introducing Katie!

Katie - ethereal, elegant, free, witchy

This is so exciting for me as I’m a little bit of a fan of Katie, I have to admit. She has definitely been an influence on my journey over the last few years. To have her agree to be a part of these retreats is humbling.

So where do I start? I met Katie through her Mum. She was visiting her here in Bulgaria. From the moment I encountered her I instantly wanted to know more about her and to become her friend.

This young woman had a sense of elegance, an ethereal, freeness that I could only dream of.  She exuded a natural mystical, spiritual, witchy vibe that I wanted to grab onto, with the hope that I would soak up a little of this just by being near her.

What Katie Does

Katie is an intuitive Ayurvedic yoga teacher, women’s circle facilitator and reiki master teacher.

Katie in Bali - learning from the masters

She hasn’t just learned these skills from behind a keyboard! She has travelled across the globe in search of knowledge and immersion in the true culture and origins of her chosen craft.

On a pilgrimage to Bali, Katie attended a women’s circle training (heavily saturated in ceremony and yogic philosophy dedicated to Hindu goddesses). It was here that she completed her 200 hours in Ayurvedic yoga teaching and became attuned to Shamanic Usui reiki level 2… completing her Reiki master training on her return to the UK.

Her teachings are holistic, down to earth, rooted in mysticism and the rhythms of nature.

She specializes in Chakra balancing, working with goddess archetypes and sacred ceremony.

Her classes are of a sensory nature and steeped in nourishing sweetness, love and a glimmer of magic.

Bringing aromatherapy, sound healing, oracle cards, flower offerings, herbal teas, visual journeying and sacred beauty into the surroundings.

Who is Katie Kalyani?

Katie is a Northern lass, like me, but lives in London with her partner, who wonderfully supports her choices in life.

Goddess of the Mountains & Mercy - Katie Kalyani

Her name Kalyani means Goddess of Mountains & Mercy and was given to her during her Women’s Circle Training in Ibiza. Having a penchant for travel, adventure and a deep-seated interest in ancient cultures, especially pertaining to the cultures of the goddess, this seems to be very appropriate to who she is.

Katie is a belly dancer, travelling to Morocco, Nepal, Croatia, Vietnam, Cambodia and more to deepen her learning of these ancient cultures and to enhance her dance and yoga practice.

She is an author, writing articles for yoga wellness sites, nature journaling and soon to publish a book of her own poems.

Katie with her home crafted dreamcatcher

She is a creator, illustrating her own books and articles, making the most fabulous dreamcatchers and handfasting cords.

Katie enjoys blending yoga, somatics, counseling skills, nature magic and energy healing with sacred beauty to nourish your mind, body and spirit.

What You Can Expect.

Illustrations by Katie

We both also have an interest in Art as Therapy as an expression of self, as a route to understanding ourselves.

If you read my article ‘When I Grow Up I Want To Be’ you’ll know that I struggle with the fact that when asked ‘who we are’, we almost always tell people ‘what we do’. Well, Katie might be the exception to this ‘rule’ as she is a rare delight, in that what she ‘does’ and who she ‘is’ are almost interchangeable.

This is why she is so central to what we have planned at the retreat. To discover who you are at such a young age is nothing short of amazing.

If you come to our retreat you can expect Katie to share her energy and knowledge in all of these areas and I’m sure, you will leave wanting to learn more.

I can’t wait!

If you missed part one – click here to catch up with Kristina

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