And A Little Of What Not to Blog?
Usually I have a heap of things going on. When it comes to the decision of what to blog, it is more about what not to blog… this week is a little different.
We have been doing things, of course we have, when do we ever not do things!?
Filling Time
The thing is, having had the whole house rewired, the only thing we are really doing right now is filling in the inevitable channels, sanding walls and testing out some paint to see if it covers ok. Do you really want a whole blog on all this lot?

I think not.
Long story short! It is gonna look like it was never touched. A bit like being back at square one. Except with an additional month’s worth of work and a pocket full of cash lighter.
Clearing Out
The other thing I’ve been doing is emptying the knee-deep soil, mud, old animal dung and various carcasses out of the underneath of the small barn. I get all the really classy jobs!

This means we have both been working in dusty environments and despite the use of masks, I for one felt like someone was sat on my chest for a couple of days. I even considered the fact I might have the dreaded lurgy…but taking a break from shoveling shit seems to have done the trick so I think I’m safe.
So now I’ve told you what I’m not going to tell you, it’s time to get on with what this blog is all about.
Thanks For Voting
You must have heard me banging on about the You Decide game I’ve been running. How you all have the chance to take part in the decisions that I’m struggling with during our renovations and the creation of the retreat.
You have taken part in this silly little game in large numbers. I’m so so grateful to you all for the votes you have cast, but in case you are still on the fence and wondering if you should join in. Here is a little summary of some of the decisions taken so far on my behalf.
You have told me to rip all the tiles off the old kitchen and replace, rather than paint or tile over them – so I have obediently ripped them off. Still a bit of work to do before we start putting things back together though…

We uncovered the brickwork from an old Jamal (an ancient central heating system). You helped me to decide whether to expose this as a feature or to cover it up again with render…

I created a simple Bee You Retreats logo and you chose the one you liked best. I even had it redesigned by my Graphic Design friend (Gaby) and you chose again. Surprisingly voting for my original one…

If you’ve been paying attention you will have read my Toilet Talk blog, which shows you the painting I did on one of our toilets for the retreat. These colour schemes and materials were chosen by the You Decide team.

You helped me decide to keep the stonework pillars either side of the fireplace as a feature.

You are currently voting in your numbers to denote the themes of the guest rooms. I’m excited to see what you have decided soon. Voting is still open on this …
I’m also putting together a new decision for you to make. This time it is for the company logo – Turning Simple Difficult. I can’t wait to share with you guys what Gaby has come up with for this. It was not an easy task, but she has really pulled it out of the bag. So much so I am struggling to make a decision, so yet again I’m passing the baton over to you.
So if you have a FOMO feeling (fear of missing out) – sign up here – join in the fun.
It’s free and you will be influencing what we do!
See you on the inside!
Join me: