Survival Essentials – No. 1 A Sense of Humour

Well Bulgaria is definitely teaching us how to drink, but also how to smile...I don't think I've smiled so much since moving here and not all of it has been alcohol induced I promise! Every day we are working until our backs hurt, our arms ache and our brains are ceased, but stop just before our sense of humour breaks down... as believe me you need one of those to survive out here ... not because of the Bulgarians (although they have their moments) - I'll give you an example. We spent the whole of Saturday concreting part of our barn so that we could relocate the dog pen, thus ensuring they had sufficient shade from the sun and shelter from the rain at all times of the day. This floor measures approximately 4m x 5m so took us all day to do and apart from filling in the leveling bar gaps on Sunday we took a day off... Monday we...
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