Its a Mini Adventure

You plan and plan and it all seems very...well...under control! You know what you're doing, when you're doing it, you have it organised down to the last detail - especially when, like me, planning is what you do for a living. We were planning on buying a truck and doing two journey's from the UK to BG with various stuff (or crap as most people see it), then out of the blue we got a call "can you fill half my truck" this week so I don't make the journey half empty...well it would be rude not to in our position, so a radical re-plan was in order. So we packed like we'd never packed before, filled my mini with as many boxes as we could (all three of them) and stacked the rest around it in the garage in preparation for the truck's arrival, which of course was in the dark on the only day this winter that it has actually snowed.   Undeterred...
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